Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Watching Wildlife within the Hoosier National Forest

You can see wildlife along roads and highways throughout the Hoosier National Forest. You can see wildlife near the Forest edges, grass fields, farm fields, and wetlands while driving through the roads and highways. You can also view wildlife while hiking through the Forest. All these areas offer unique opportunities to view wildlife in their natural homes. Part of the excitement is not knowing what wildlife you may see.

These areas are homes to a diverse number of animals, any of which you may encounter during your visit. If you choose to take a hike through the Forest, a good way to improve your chances of seeing wildlife is to walk quietly and slowly into the wind, come early in the morning, or late afternoon, and above all be patient.

There is an abundance of wildlife within the Hoosier National Forest, 142 bird species, 50 species of mammals, 28 amphibian and 36 reptilian species, 125 fish and more species are being found all the time.

The Forest is a collage of ecosystems. Each ecosystem is unique in the types of animals who make their home there. Make sure you bring your camera and binoculars. Enjoy viewing the animals who are the real owners of the Forest.

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